Frequently asked questions
How can I parse and report my own attributes?
See the parsing documentation.
How can I combine the results from multiple experiments?
exp = Experiment('/new/path/to/combined-results')
Some runs failed. How can I rerun them?
If the failed runs were never started, for example, due to grid node failures, you can simply run the “start” experiment step again. It will skip all runs that have already been started. Afterwards, run “fetch” and make reports as usual.
Lab detects which runs have already been started by checking if the
file exists. So if you have failed runs that were already
started, but you want to rerun them anyway, go to their run directories,
remove the driver.log
files and then run the “start” experiment step
again as above.
I forgot to parse something. How can I run only the parsers again?
Now that parsing is done in its own experiment step, simply consult the parsing documentation for how to amend your parsers and then run the “parse” experiment step again with
./ parse
How do I port my parsers to version 8.x?
Since version 8.0, Lab has a dedicated “parse” experiment step. First of all, what are the benefits of this?
No need to write parsers in separate files.
Log output from solvers and parsers remains separate.
No need for
. Parsing and re-parsing is now exactly the same.Parsers are checked for syntax errors before the experiment is run.
Parsing runs much faster (for an experiment with 3 algorithms and 5 parsers the parsing time went down from 51 minutes to 5 minutes, both measured on cold file system caches).
As before, you can let the Slurm environment do the parsing for you and get notified when the report is finished:
./ build start parse fetch report
To adapt your parsers to this new API, you need to make the following changes:
Your parser module (e.g., “”) does not have to be executable anymore, but it must be importable and expose a
instance (see the changes to the translator parser for an example). Then, instead ofexp.add_parser("")
usefrom custom_parser import MyParser
and insertexp.add_step("parse", exp.parse)
afterexp.add_step("start", exp.start_runs)
How can I compute a new attribute from multiple runs?
Consider for example the IPC quality score. It is often computed over the list of runs for each task. Since filters only work on individual runs, we can’t compute the score with a single filter, but it is possible by using two filters as shown below: store_costs saves the list of costs per task in a dictionary whereas add_quality uses the stored costs to compute IPC quality scores and adds them to the runs.
class QualityFilters:
"""Compute the IPC quality score.
>>> from downward.reports.absolute import AbsoluteReport
>>> filters = QualityFilters()
>>> report = AbsoluteReport(filter=[filters.store_costs, filters.add_quality])
def __init__(self):
self.tasks_to_costs = defaultdict(list)
def _get_task(self, run):
return (run["domain"], run["problem"])
def _compute_quality(self, cost, all_costs):
if cost is None:
return 0.0
assert all_costs
min_cost = min(all_costs)
if cost == 0:
assert min_cost == 0
return 1.0
return min_cost / cost
def store_costs(self, run):
cost = run.get("cost")
if cost is not None:
assert run["coverage"]
return True
def add_quality(self, run):
run["quality"] = self._compute_quality(
run.get("cost"), self.tasks_to_costs[self._get_task(run)]
return run
How can I make reports and plots for results obtained without Lab?
See for an example.
Which experiment class should I use for which Fast Downward revision?
Before CMake: use DownwardExperiment in Lab 1.x
With CMake and optional validation: use FastDownwardExperiment in Lab 1.x
With CMake and mandatory validation: use FastDownwardExperiment in Lab 2.x
New translator exit codes (issue739): use FastDownwardExperiment in Lab >= 3.x
How can I contribute to Lab?
If you’d like to contribute a feature or a bugfix to Lab or Downward Lab, please see
How can I customize Lab?
Lab tries to be easily customizable. That means that you shouldn’t have to make any changes to the Lab code itself, but rather you should be able to inherit from Lab classes and implement custom behaviour in your subclasses. If this doesn’t work in your case, let’s discuss how we can improve things in a GitHub issue.
That said, it can sometimes be easiest to quickly patch Lab. In this case, or when you want to run the latest Lab development version, you can clone the Lab repo and install it (preferable in a virtual environment):
git clone /path/to/lab
pip install --editable /path/to/lab
The --editable
flag installs the project in “editable mode”, which
makes any changes under /path/to/lab
appear immediately in the virtual
Which best practices do you recommend for working with Lab?
automate as much as possible but not too much
use fixed solver revisions (“3a27ea77f” instead of “main”)
use Python virtual environments
pin versions of all Python dependencies in
collect common experiment code in project module
copy experiment scripts for new experiments, don’t change them
make evaluation locally rather than on remote cluster
collect exploratory results from multiple experiments
rerun experiments for camera-ready copy in single experiment and with single code revision